Saturday, September 30, 2006

Update on Wollemi

Further to the first post about the Wollemi tree, which seemed to create a lot of interest, you can see the unusual new growth for spring. Anyone interested in gardening should check out my other blog.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I popped in to your blooming garden. What a nice blog and many nice photoes. Are they all from your own garden?

Crashtest Comic said...

Why yes...they are.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, yes all my own garden.
CTC, thanks for looking.
I hope that my obsession with gardening doesn't interfere with my time spent on blogging.

ChrisinMB said...

That new growth, are they some type of flower or do these guys reproduce with spores?

Looks sorta like a fern type plant.

Lexcen said...

Chris, it's supposed to be new growth. Keep in mind this is the first time this plant has been available for the public we don't know much. You can read further by checking out the Wollemi Pine web site.
What my photo shows is probably what the information brochure refers to as polar caps. Later on there will be fragrant sticky white sap oozing out of the stem and new growth bursting from the bark.
