Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2009

I've often wondered why there are so many ugly people versus beautiful people. The beautiful are so few that life seems to favor them with success and opportunities.
Then I read this scientific article that tells me that ugly men produce more sperm than attractive men. The reason being that attractive men have more opportunities for sex so they don't value the sex as much as the ugly men, who making most of a rare opportunity produce as much sperm as is possible.

It's not appropriate for my humble self to question scientific research but how does somebody know they are attractive or should I say, how does the sperm factory recognize this fact?

So, the fact that I don't have any children can only mean one thing, I'm extremely attractive.
I assume that any man who has lots of children is extremely ugly and extremely fertile.
On the other hand we could interpret this as me being so ugly that I've never had sex.

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

The perception of beauty

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The realization that we no longer need to be slaves to the dictates of taste force fed upon us by the mass media has been slow in coming. If we are adventurous enough, we are free to explore and discover what is new.
It is interesting to be able to re-consider and possibly re-define the notion of feminine beauty and sexuality outside the narrow parameters set by those who have the power to influence us.
I'm here thinking of the fashion industry, the advertising industry and the movie industry.

Maybe it's time to shake off the notion that skinny is the embodiment of beauty. Not too soon I'd say for all those young girls who decide at a young age, I'm here thinking of pre-puberty, that they are too fat. The epidemic of anorexia and bulimia must be attributed directly to those who want us to believe that skinny is beautiful. In fact, most women would accept that notion and compare their body to the ideal image which has nothing to do with reality.
And so we come to the adipositivity project.

But the discovery doesn't end here. The realization that there are porn sites dedicated to what is known as BBW is mind boggling. Would such an opportunity ever have existed before the net made it possible? I doubt it.

The Adipositivity Project aims to promote size acceptance, not by listing the merits of big people, or detailing examples of excellence (these things are easily seen all around us), but rather, through a visual display of fat physicality. The sort that's normally unseen.
The hope is to widen definitions of physical beauty. Literally.

For those of you of an adventurous nature you can check out
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Friday, March 23, 2007

Beauty isn't everything

My previous post on beauty attracted a lot of comments and subsequently my thoughts on the subject continue. What seems most obvious to me now is something that nobody brought to the comments.
The subject of attraction between human beings might be distorted by the attributes of beauty but in the end, human beings are really more drawn together by the force of LOVE than the distraction of physical beauty.
Think about it, and it becomes obvious.

Physical beauty itself can draw people by the power it has over our subconscious. Beauty itself isn't permanent and anyone captivated by someone because of his/her beauty will eventually (given the passage of the years) feel cheated because beauty is so ephemeral.

Secondly, anyone who loves a person purely because of the physical attributes fails to love the person for the important attributes. And so the saying, beauty is only skin deep.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Meaning of Beauty

There are times when I lose myself in deep thoughts, and recently a comment on one of the blogs got me thinking about one of these subjects.
Beauty, we all know it's about physical symmetry and absence of flaws that defines beauty. There are many different types of beauty and the stereotype of the big breasted blond is merely cliche.
I am talking about beauty as it applies to women of course.
I won't get bogged down in definitions of what constitutes beauty because that is not really what I want to contemplate.

My fascination is with the purpose of beauty if it has any purpose at all.

Before anyone jumps in and tells me it's about procreation or natural selection or some other scientific bent, just stop and think for a moment about the animal kingdom. Amongst the animal species where beauty serves any purpose, it is the male of the species that carries the plumage, the color or the magnificent display to attract the female.
In the animal kingdom, the female chooses the most attractive male and beauty does serve a particular function.

Within human beings, the roles are reversed and beauty is possessed by the female of the species to attract the male. Now here is a limited purpose to this in that the female chooses the male who will impregnate her. There is a vague resemblance to the natural selection process occurring here but wait, hasn't human society been patriarchal rather than matriarchal?
In other words, it is the males who are in control. It has always been that the man, as the provider has the right to choose his female partner.
In this regard, we might begin to understand female beauty as being a byproduct of natural selection by the male of the species to reproduce with the most attractive woman they can get.
But, and this is a bit but, if this was indeed the case, then by now we would have selectively filtered out all ugly people within the human race. We know that this isn't the case.

So, a beautiful women is something to desire, to want to possess but in the end it doesn't matter.
So what is the purpose?
Is beauty just another anomaly like the human appendix, for example, it's there but doesn't have any real purpose?

Or did beauty evolve for the specific purpose of advertising? Maybe God could see into the future and thought there would eventually be a need for beautiful women to help advertisers sell merchandise by standing in a bikini next to a brand new automobile and contorting their bodies in some sort of simulated orgasm?

Or maybe beautiful women are there to reward those lucky enough to become fabulously wealthy and have the need to demonstrate their affluence by having a trophy wife clinging to their arm?

Where would the porn industry be without beautiful women?

What would Hollywood market without the endless supply of photogenic faces to fill it's movies with?

Is it in fact that we have been lucky enough to live in a time when photography and beauty have come together to celebrate the pointlessness of beauty. Beauty as an end in itself?
Beauty as something to covet, to desire but as empty and as unfulfillable as a Chinese meal?

Monday, October 02, 2006

Deconstructing Beauty

What makes a woman beautiful? What are the characteristics of beauty?. I tried to do some online research and found that this question is a serious scientific pursuit. Is there any scientific pursuit that isn't serious? But I digress, this is a serious subject for me because I find that as I grow older, there seems to be more and more beautiful women around than I remember, especially when I was younger. Not only do young girls look more enticing than they used to when I was young, but even mature women look appealing to me now, even those in their three score and ten years. And then I look at what Hollywood is trying to peddle as beautiful women and I find myself wanting to yell out from the top of the highest building, "She's not beautiful, she's ugly".
And then there's the phenomena I don't understand, why do I feel good when I'm in the presence of a beautiful woman? Today I found the answer, it's all in my brain.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Diversion for Entertainment

Feeling a bit stressed? Try this site for some eye candy. (Sorry ladies).

There is a serious subject here. It will come soon. I will call it Deconstructing Beauty.

Meanwhile, gentleman, do your research as questions will be asked.
