Thursday, October 19, 2006

Vaginas are back

I feel uncomfortable talking about vaginas. I don't have one. Still, it's in the news and I should comment as an outsider, so to speak. I often make fun of scientific research but in this case, this area of research must give immense job satisfaction to the guys involved.
Bravo! Maybe I missed my calling. I can just see myself slaving year in year out trying to understand the mysteries of the female orgasm, is it the clitoris?
Is it the vagina?
Is it both?
What methods of investigation have been used?
What types of stimulation were administered?
How did they choose the subjects for the research?
The more I think about it, the more I feel that I would certainly enjoy my work in this field.
I've decided to devote the rest of my time to looking into this complex and interesting question.


none said...

A device that sends electrical impulses directly into the spine to alleviate chronic back pain has been discovered to have a strange side effect in women.

Instant orgasm for as long as the current is switched on..

none said...
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Lexcen said...

Hammer,keep it a secret, I still want to conduct my own research.

Travel Italy said...

Raffaella and I just spent the last 10 minutes laughing. You made our day! Complimenti!!!

Lexcen said...

thanks for the complimenti :-)

Mojoey said...

With my luck the test subjects would be 80 year old grandmas.

Josy said...

Keep us updated about your researches' results Lexcen! :D
