Monday, February 05, 2007

Preacher of Hate is Dead (Good Riddance)

Remember the storm that erupted with those Danish cartoons?
Here is the story behind the instigator of hate and lies who created the problem.
A vile and nasty man, his actions caused reverberations throughout the western world.

Upon reflection, let us consider the issue of minorities.
He was a minority, a single man. Surely the combined mass of western civilization shouldn't be threatened by a single man, should we? And yet...and yet...

The problem with dismissing anyone who is an extremist, someone who is part of a minority group as insignificant, and focusing on the "majority" is that we fail to understand how a "meme" can take off and become a significant conceptual force to deal with.

The evil of memes is discussed in the book, The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom.

The next time some reasonable and rational person says "not all extremists are terrorists", we should think hard about the nature of truth. Yes this statement is true and accurate but somehow it fails to grasp the problem of how a meme spreads.

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