Friday, March 02, 2007

What is Happiness?

The Dalai Lama says happiness is the meaning of life. Sounds good to me.
So what makes us happy? A friend of mine once came up with a convoluted theory to explain this but it just seemed to categorize all our wants and desires and once they were fulfilled then you would be happy.
That doesn't quite explain it to me. After all, we never stop wanting something do we?
Ever felt that there was nothing, absolutely nothing else you could want or desire? It doesn't last and I wouldn't consider it happiness.
I know that not being in control of events that affect our lives makes us unhappy.
So, if we were in complete control, would we be happy?

I know that suicide is the last refuge of somebody that feels that everything is completely out of control beyond any hope and therefore, making a life and death decision is the last desperate attempt to regain control.

So, if everything went the way I wanted it, I'm sure I'd be happy, but is this absolutely guaranteed? Do we need obstacles to teach us the limits of what we can and can't have?

Optimistic people can accept that not everything will always go the way they want it to go and yet remain happy. A pessimist sees every obstacle and justification for their pessimism.
I've never met a happy pessimist.


none said...

I'm happy even though I know for a fact that eventually everything is going to go wrong ;)

Jeannie said...

I don't think happiness is a sustainable state. We can only enjoy fleeting moments of happiness. Perhaps contentment would be easier to find. Then things don't have to be "perfect".

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

What is the meaning of the word "happiness"??

Is it when you laugh, feel releaved, don't want anything more, are together with your family or what ....?

Lexcen said...

hammer, the happy pessimist;-)

jeannie, we can be content but are we happy? A pessimist can be content that nothing has gone wrong so far, but is a pessimist happy?

kirsten, good question. I'm sure you know when you're happy and when you're not. But, does it come from within or do circumstances affect your mood?
