Friday, April 13, 2007

Australia's newest stand up comedian

Meet Sheik Hilali (not his real name- just his stage name)

Sheik Hilali a comic genius, in the style of Ali G and Borat , who enters the public arena in his persona of the Sheik and makes profoundly funny statements.

He is so convincing that everybody takes him seriously.

I think he is a tribute to Australia.

His most recent line is that he is more Australian than Australia's Prime Minister John Howard. LOL good one Sheik.
I literally had tears in my eyes laughing but everybody else was so serious. Nobody seems to get the joke.

Sheik became notorious for his comments about rape victims as being the equivalent of "exposed meat". That was a real shit stirring comment and got him into the A Grade listings of people whose comments make front page news.

Sheik Hilali praised Iraq jihadists. He also praises the Muslim Brotherhood and the mentor of Osama bin Laden. Not satisfied with being at the cutting edge of humor, Sheik is pushing towards the bleeding edge.

Politicians have taken to him as the whipping boy to be flogged for all he's worth.
Quit or leave Australia they tell him.

Muslim leaders have asked us not to take the sheik seriously but nobody is listening to them.
They have labeled him "an ongoing problem".

It has also been revealed that Sheik has donated $10,000 to affiliates of Al Qa'ida.

Meanwhile, we are debating the ideals of free speech within democracy.
Never before has a comedian made such an impact on Australia. Never before has a comedian caused so much uproar.

I will be queuing up for tickets to his next one- man stand- up performance. After all, we are having a comedy festival in Melbourne at the moment.


ButterSnatch said...

i loves me some Ali G... nigga!

beepbeepitsme said...

What soneone like Sheik Hilali doesn't realize is that regardless of who says it - whether it is a christian religious leader, a jewish religious leader or a muslim religious leader - that it is unacceptable in our secular society to infer that women deserve to be raped.

This applies equally to Joe Blow at the pub on a Saturday night and to Fred Nile (leader of the Christian Democratic Party), if he was silly enough to suggest the same thing.

Lexcen said...

beepbeepitsme, I'm surprised that women's groups and such aren't protesting in the streets. Could it be that these same women's groups are aligned politically with the left which is anti-west on everything? It seems like strange political alliances are hampering the voice of reason.
