Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Designer Vaginoplasty

Not happy with your labia?
Unhappy with your body image?
Feel like you could do with some laser surgery to improve your looks?

I will be setting up consultations on vaginoplasty. Please send you pix to Lexcen, strict confidentiality will be observed of course.

Or check out this web site.


Jeannie said...

So now we women have one more thing to get all self conscious about? Oh no! My labia are too large!

Is there a man on the planet who worries about the size of his nut sack?

Josy said...

I will never need such surgery.. but, thanks for the infos anyway ;)

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, I'm just offering consultations. I don't want anything.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I tried your wife's flourless chocolate cake today. It was delicious ... Give her my a kiss on each cheek from me for allowing you to share the recipe with us.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, very glad to hear that, I will pass on the message.
