Thursday, April 26, 2007

Steven Spielberg is coming to Melbourne

News today is good. World's greatest director, Steven Spielberg, is coming to my humble city(Melbourne) to film.

I'm sure there will be roles for Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Anthony La Paglia, and Eric Bana.

I suggest you keep an eye out for Lexcen's acting debut. It could be a scene stealer.

Not since Melbourne was considered the ideal location for the end of the world(post nuclear war) movie, On the Beach (1959), has Melbourne been considered as a location for a major movie/series.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I will look for you ... have you signed up as statist???

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, "statist"? what is that?

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

That is all ordinary people who wants to come with in a film. You get some money for it.
When you watch a film and it's taken in the middel of the city per exampple ... you see a lot of people. All those people are payd to be there by contract. They are ordered to be a certain place, do certain things, say certain things etc.
It's not "people by luck"
Once I was asked to be a statist in a Norwegian film. The shootings was in a restaurant where the actors "had dinner". All the "other people" in the restaurant was statists while the shooting was taken place.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, now I know what you mean. What you mean is crowd scene, or as Hollywood calls it "extras".
