If I bother to look at the label of everything I buy these days, the chances are that it will say, Made in China. When I say everything is made in China, it is without exaggeration that I say this.
So the latest news articles have got me slightly worried.
A fifth of the goods made in China are substandard. No news to me.
U.S ban seafood from China. This is bad news because my favorite fish is from China, it's not only cheap it tastes great.
US warn over Chinese toothpaste. Yep, my toothpaste is made in China.
Mattel recalls millions more toys.
China tackles tainted food crisis.
The point is, I always thought my government was protecting me. There are so many rules and regulations and import restrictions and safety standards to reassure anyone that the public is being protected, or is it?
My suggestion is to use the logo here as standard label for all items made in China. Then it's all up to the consumer to decide if they want to take a chance or not.
Let the buyer beware. If China keeps this up they will dig their own grave.
Cheap price will only go so far. At some point, the consumer will demand at least a minimum level of quality.
The recent recalls would seem to show that Chinese goods have reached this point.
China will have to start improving quality, or risk losing markets.
I think the nature of the problem is that goods made in China are made for overseas corporations. Big brand names have their goods manufactured in China and then sell them for enormous profits trading on the good will of the brand. It's not the Chinese who will lose out but those businesses that have moved production offshore to China to save costs and maximize profits.
We didn't use to trust anything from China when I was a kid. I have to wonder what changed that? Shouldn't we just boycott the products until they clean up their act? And what about other countries? Can we trust them?
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