Friday, November 10, 2006

Bye Bye Rumsfeld

For the families of the 3000+ American soldiers killed after the "victory" in Iraq this news must be cold comfort. Donald Rumsfeld has run out of luck.
It's a pity he will not pay for his mistakes, his bad decisions that have cost thousands of lives.
We will look back and scratch our heads. What was it all about? What was achieved? Was the cost worth the capture of Saddam Hussein? Is the world a safer place because of Rumsfeld's misadventure?
Have we learn't anything?
Are we any wiser than before?

1 comment:

Intolerant said...

You can hear the trauma in the trembling voices of Sean Hannity and Rush Lymphoid. SOUR GRAPES. They just can't understand how so many "Great Americans" can be so against the republicans. Someone needs to shake those boys awake before they completely lose their minds. Their credibility has long since disappeared...
