Wednesday, February 21, 2007

(Kareem) Karim Amer jailed for criticizing Islam

Egypt is prosecuting bloggers for criticizing Islam

Amnesty International has taken up his cause.

Let the name register in your mind. He is one of many who are being censored for not respecting the "peace loving" religion.

Makes you wonder how tolerant this religion is, doesn't it?


none said...

Ideas and belief systems that cannot stand up to scrutiny must be enforced at the end of a gun barrel.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I had a patition for him on my blog, long time ago... That people could sign.
Later I have heard that he likes the attention he has got world-wise so much, so when someone wanted to bail him out, he didn't want to accept.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, I admire your courage in supporting Kareem. I know that as a resident of Egypt, you must be careful in what you say.
Of course, I know that governments tell lies.
