Saturday, March 31, 2007

Imagine This!

This is the scenario we are required to imagine.
God, sitting around with his angels, and because the angels are not Gods, there is only one God, we can surmise that they are his subordinates.

For some unexplained reason, one of his angels decided to break his employment contract with God and "falls from grace". Let's call him Lucifer.

What does God do next? Does he put his house in order? Does he reign in his recalcitrant angel and restore the status quo? NO!

What God does is have a creative urge. He decides to create the "world" and then tops it off by creating man, let's call him Adam.

Lurking in the background is God's nemesis, the fallen angel Lucifer.

Next thing that happens is that God gives his Adam free will.
God wants to see what his creation is capable of...
Free will, or randomness makes things interesting to God. Even though God is all powerful and all seeing, God throws the element of randomness into his creation so the results are even to God, unpredictable.

Let's, look at it a different way. You set up a chess board, you place your chess pieces on the board and sitting opposite is your opponent, let's call him Lucifer.

Let the game begin.

Lucifer makes his move by talking to Eve, convincing her to disobey God's specific instructions.
God responds by a counter move making Adam and Eve mortal. The chess game now has an infinite number of pawns and an infinite number of permutations and possibilities.

Each move and counter move by the players is enacted out by the pawns (humans) on the chess board.

The game continues and remains unfinished today.


Little Lamb said...

But it will finish one day.

Lexcen said...

little lamb, that's an understatement if I ever saw one.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I thought the same when I saw the pic.
It is like religion ... What is the top for some people is the bottom for others.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, I was thinking more of the struggle between good and evil as a chess game played out. Of course I don't believe that there is a struggle between good and evil, but that's a subject for another blog.
