We in Australia are at the forefront in legislation against discrimination towards breastfeeding.
I do not doubt for a minute that this new law was instigated by a woman politician. After all, having women in politics makes for a more sensitive, humane government. All men seem to think about is war and violence.
For more pix of breastfeeding click here.
As I head off to work this morning, I am reassured that the government has the most important agenda in it's sights. I can feel comfortable knowing that the exorbitant taxes I'm paying are at work and looking after my best interests.
I enjoy seeing public displays of breast feeding and I'm sure that with new legislation now introduced, I can look forward to seeing breast feeding in action as I sit in my favorite restaurant eating my meal. I will get a warm and fuzzy feeling as I sit on the train going to work and observe mothers everywhere breast feeding their babies. I'm sure that politicians sitting in parliament debating the fate of their constituents will gladly look up at the public gallery and see mothers breastfeeding their babies.
We had one of the cities in the valley legislate on breast feeding as well. I don't think you need laws to feed a baby. As with everything if it offends someone they needn't look.
I remember some commotion long ago about breastfeeding in public. I was already past it so I have no clue what they decided. I generally didn't mind finding a more private spot to do the deed. Other than at home, I would simply drape a receiving blanket artistically to cover my nakedness. I must have been very good as more than once, folks would come along and try to take the baby off me while still attached. Most women are modest so even if "allowed", you aren't likely to see much of it going on. It's like when they brought in the law here allowing women to display their breasts in public - go topless in other words just as men can, I thought it was stupid. Not much of anyone does it except at rock concerts. I thought they should have made men wear shirts in public instead. Some of them, I just don't care to see - they've got bigger boobs than some women.
Yeah I use to cover the tit up if I had to do it in public. I don't have a problem with people doing it, just preferred not to have it exposed.
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