Saturday, September 01, 2007

Vote for Lexcen

Lex has decided that with the elections coming up soon in Australia, there needs to be a different option to government other than Tweedledum and Tweedledee parties. Their farrago of promises (if elected) must be taken with a grain of salt. Does anyone really believe in pre-election promises these days?

I will start with the fact the the current government is sitting on a surplus of $18 billion.

On the other hand, Australians have a medical system that is falling apart at the seams, with waiting lists for surgery extending to many years, an education system that is not meeting the needs of the economy - we don't have enough doctors ,nurses, plumbers, electricians or other trades people, and public transport that is creaking at the joints. Aborigines living in squalor and poverty. This is how our government manages to accumulate such a huge surplus.

Lex has an alternative solution.
Give the $18 billion surplus to the people. It's ours isn't it?
The government is sitting on our wealth, our assets, our hard earned dollars that have been taxed from us till we bleed.

The plan works something like this. Give everybody enough money to make everybody equally wealthy. The poorest get the most money and the wealthiest get the least handout. Anyone with more than $1 million in assets is immediately disqualified from any handout.

The next part of this plan is the best. The government then stops spending money on health, welfare, education, transport. Let the user pay. You want it? You pay for it.
This isn't such a radical policy as it seems. The government has already made tentative steps in that direction. Most previously owned government utilities have either been sold off and those that remain in the hands of the government are run as a profit making enterprise. My proposal is to go the whole hog. Stop pussyfooting around and take the plunge.

Laissez Faire is the original term used for Free Market economy. That's what I propose. Do it I say, just don't make noises and pay lip service to this principle. Stop pretending to advocate a free market when at the same time there are more and more regulations and restrictions. No more trade barriers, tariffs and import restrictions. Let it go, let it flow.

Legalize the mafia, after all they are just doing business aren't they? I can see it now, "Mafia condones free market economy".
As the guru of modern economics (Adam Smith) said, there is an invisible hand controlling the economy. Capitalism will look after itself. It doesn't need government interference. Supply and demand rules!

In fact, I would go so far as to release most prisoners from jail. Especially those who are convicted of theft crimes. Give them enough money as well and let them loose. They were caught stealing only because they wanted money in the first place, so, eliminate crime by giving them heaps of money. Makes sense to me.
All that you have left in prisons will be the murders and rapists.

Now those of you who ask, who will be working if everybody is rich?

Well, eventually everybody will spend all the money they have and will have to go to work won't they? Money isn't going to last forever no matter how much you begin with.

The initial boom to the economy as everybody spends their newly acquired wealth will create jobs like never before.

There is a basic and foolproof assumption in this equation. People are never satisfied, they always want more than what they already have. It's capitalism at it's greatest.

1 comment:

none said...

I agree totally. A free market is self regulating.

Governments started getting involved when there was a knee jerk reaction to a perceived problem. Once people figured out they could vote themselves other peoples money, thats when the real trouble started.
