The Artist is named Gareth Sansom, I hope I don't get flamed for breach of copyright.
Australian art critic Sebastian Smee wrote that Gareth Sansom is Australia's most exciting artist.
I'm inclined to agree because this is how I would like to paint if I could just let go, let it all hang out.
I really like the brilliant use of color because personally I'm not one to go for half muted tones.
I can see a bit of influence from Joan Miro who is one of my all time favorite artists.
I think I'll spend some time studying these paintings and see if I can be inspired to paint something really great.
I like these paintings. I agree with you on color. Good luck with your own...I hope you will post some.
Those remind me of our local museum of modern art. I like the style.
they're great!
color is amazing
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