To all my online friends, new and old, to the people that no longer blog; I still remember you, and to those who continue to add comments to my blog, wishing all of you and your families a very Happy Christmas.
. Hey there fellow Infidels. God bless you all, stay safe! I hope you had a nice Christmas, MERRY Holidays, and have a very Happy New Year too. Have fun! . MERRY HOLIDAYS we all have our special ones drink responsibly
world economy depends on massive celebrations
. absurd thought - God of the Universe says outlaw Christmas
don't upset atheists makes them question their faith
. absurd thought - God of the Universe hates Christmas celebrations
leads to Muslim Apostates who then get death threats
. for the holidays we must get together - before they are over
Merry Christmas Lex! ☺
Merry SolstiChristmahannukwanzakah there, Lex. Me? I can't fucking stand the holidays, but why should I be a buzzkill?
Merry Christmas to you and the Mrs. Hope she's doing better and continues to in the New Year.
Merry Christmas from FJ, alice, bertie, Titus, Huge-O and the gang!
Happy Christmas Lexcen.
Merry Christmas Lex!!! And, a wonderful New Year to you too.
Hey there fellow Infidels. God bless you all, stay safe! I hope you had a nice Christmas, MERRY Holidays, and have a very Happy New Year too. Have fun!
we all have our special ones
drink responsibly
world economy depends
on massive celebrations
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw Christmas
don't upset atheists
makes them question their faith
absurd thought -
God of the Universe hates
Christmas celebrations
leads to Muslim Apostates
who then get death threats
for the holidays
we must get together
- before they are over
ancient feelings
days will get longer again
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