Friday, September 18, 2009

RIP Keith Floyd

Unlike the big boys Keith Floyd died without making a big noise. (Lyrics fr Peter Gabriel)
I was saddened to hear of his passing. To me he was the best television cook ever. He inspired me to cook. He had a passion for fish and it affected me.
He was the only cook who wasn't ashamed to show his failures on TV. In this video he obviously does not impress his French lady. I've seen other episodes where he shows his cooking failure, admits it and cooks it again to his satisfaction. It is such honesty, and humbleness that made him a lovable character.


Anonymous said...

Wow. He's not even defensive... that is refreshing. He'll be missed.

Jeannie said...

Guess some people have no trouble taking criticism. Wish he'd left a how-to book behind for the rest of us. The world has lost something special.

Anonymous said...

I could learn a lesson from him and take myself less seriously.

Peace be with his famiy.
