Thursday, April 26, 2007

A day at the Doctor's Clinic

Having spent most of today in and out of doctor's clinics, getting pricked, probed, pierced, penetrated, CT scanned, injected, bled, etc etc, I am now exhausted.

Of course it hasn't been a complete waste of time since I've had the benefit of reading Cosmopolitan magazine.

I am now much wiser as to the many and various methods of pleasing a man's penis. Did you know for example that not all men are capable of orgasm from oral sex? I didn't know that one. Thanks Cosmopolitan.
I've also been educated on different sexual position in the swimming pool. Can't wait to try them out.
What was most illuminating is the information gleaned from Ansell, the condom manufacturer. Apparently todays youth consider sex an icebreaker. That's right, there's not much to talk about until after they have sex.

Pity the poor baby boomers of my generation. We thought we were at the forefront of the sexual revolution.


Lexcen said...

Hammer, wouldn't you just love to meet up with contemporary female- Cosmo reader? She'd be as skilled as the Kama Sutra.

barista grazioso said...

Whoa. Some guys can't have an orgasm with oral sex?? Who are they? No worries about spit or swallow? :D

No getting to know one another until after you have sex? Sounds like a guy's dream come true.

Lexcen said...

barista grazioso, glad you found the information as interesting as I did.

barista grazioso said...

Frankly, I think Cosmo is full of crud. I've never heard of a guy not cumming with oral sex. That offends me.

I guess I jumped right into your blog, didn't I. I apologize - I'm not much into subtlety.

Lexcen said...

barista, I guess that there should be a link to an article by Cosmo on how women can give good oral sex (yes there is such an article). In my humble opinion, some women are better than others at this skill and those who use their teeth have a lot to learn.
