Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Innocent civilians and victims of war

Every time I read the news about some war there is always the body count of "innocent civilians".
We are always reminded of the devastating effects of war on innocent civilians.
Here are a few pics of typical innocent civilians.

Q.So, what is an innocent civilian?
A.Someone that doesn't wear a uniform

Q.What's an insurgent?
A.Someone that holds a rocket launcher

Q.What's a freedom fighter?
A.Someone that carries a weapon

Q. What do you call someone with strap on vest bomb?
A. Muslim


Stucco said...

The one on top looks like Brian's mum in Monty Python's Life Of Brian. Strange that they have so little humor...

Lexcen said...

Stucco, my next research project is Islamic humor.

Baconeater said...

They take the word civil out of civilian.

Lexcen said...

I think the latest story of an Afghani child as executioner who beheaded a captive is just another link to this story.

southfield_2001 said...

How can they find humour in anything? No sex, no music, no booze, no dancing, no wonder they're in such a hurry to die that they're willing to blow themselves up.

barista grazioso said...

Just lookin' for those virgins since life sucks for them down here. Just wait until they get their just desserts.....

I think we need to help them on their way. Just my .02 cents.

Lexcen said...

barista, there is much to consider about the 72 Virgins in heaven. Do they have father's and brothers guarding their honor in heaven? Are they attractive virgins? Are they female virgins? Are they young virgins? Are they hairy? Do they shave?
