Saturday, July 07, 2007

Doctor Death

As the story of terrorist doctors just keeps getting bigger and bigger, fueling my paranoia of Muslims, I reflect on the various doctors I've consulted over the last few years.
Here's an interesting statistic, 40% of all doctors in Australia are trained overseas.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I don't trust any doctor of any nation. It's too much strange tings going on ...

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, I need doctors, my wife needs doctors and what we need most is those wonderful drugs the evil drug companies manufacture. Seriously, life without painkillers and happy pills would be unbearable.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Here's an interesting statistic, 40% of all doctors in Australia are trained overseas.

Apparently, 40% of British doctors are also made up of foreigners.

Hopefully, they all take their hippocratic oath seriously....and aren't radicalized, educated crazies.
