Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth Concert

Live Earth Concert my arse!!

I hate to be cynical and rain on the parade but really, seriously, people, the only thing that will save the planet is less people. Far far less people than exist now.
Is there any other species that has managed to infiltrate and inhabit every remote corner of this planet as effectively as the human species?

Is there any other species that causes more damage to the planet than the human species?

So, to save the planet we need to reduce the world population. That is priority N U M B E R 1.

Second, everybody needs to reduce their consumption of everything that isn't necessary for survival. And who consumes more than what is necessary for survival? The rich and fortunate people of the western world.
So, do you still want to sing and dance to a free rock concert and feel good about how concerned you are about the state of the planet?
What a load of tripe? What a crock of self - serving guilty conscious cleansing crap.

We are all part of the problem. We are all THE PROBLEM. Stop blaming governments and corporations and whatever you feel ready to point the finger at and look in the mirror.

Who will be the first to give up their motor vehicle in the interests of the planet?

Who will be the first to stop buying superfluous merchandise in the never ending orgy of feel good recreational shopping that is endemic and integral to our lifestyle?


Anonymous said...

100% on the mark Lex. When I am gone, the planet can burst into flames for all I care. I don't even bother blaming anyone for the shape of the stay here is too brief to have any positive impact anyway. It's people like me that are the problem.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

What I don't quite get, are the ones who firmly believe that the earth is on a collision course with the apocalypse, unless we take drastic measures to curb our carbon emissions. And yet, if they seriously believe the earth is doomed unless we take drastic measures, why aren't more people taking drastic measures? Just look at Al Gore's lifestyle. That's not the kind of personal sacrifices I'd say one would be making if one firmly believed in the dangers of man-induced global warming.

Most people I know who believe in the climate change scare, have not made any extraordinary level of personal sacrifice and commitment for me to believe the depth of their sincerity, other than that it makes them feel better about themselves to recycle a can, turn off the lights, or purchase carbon that they can go on polluting the planet themselves without a guilty conscience.

Stucco said...

Lex- there is a suggestion of an underlying logic that I don't know that I agree with. I hear it sometimes as "Live simply, that others may simply live" or such. I think that's boiling that matter down to a quantity of life versus quality of life argument that I think is wrong. I see no value in quantity of life, but see tremendous value in quality of life.

That is (to try and stay on topic) that I don't see any reason to limit my consumption SOLELY so that some other person can live off the balance. What if that other person was Paris Hilton? No way that's a worthwhile thing to do. I think the underlying goal ought to be to prioritize quality people (from wherever and of any ancestry) above the mouth breathing unenlightened masses incapable of free thought.

But then I'm a snob...

Lexcen said...

I put up this post in mid rant, that is I could have said a lot more but I'm glad I left room for other to comment.
We are deluding ourselves if we think our actions or inactions will have some effect on the course of what is inevitable.
Human beings are responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon for example. The Amazon rain forest has a significant impact on the climate of the planet. There are more endangered species than I care to list here, all because humans are encroaching on their habits. As all living organisms form a complex interacting web of life, this is also a major disruption to the planet. The bitter pill is this, there must be a stop to the exponential growth of human population.Maybe and it's a small maybe this will put a halt to the inevitable demise of the planet. Maybe humans will adapt and maybe not. We must remove the notion that the human species is somehow special and more important than any other species on the planet - that is if you really do care about the planet.

ButterSnatch said...
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