Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Religion of Peace

Al Medina Al Munawwarah الImage via Wikipedia There is a blog, Illustrated P.I.G. to Islam, that has recently taken on the mega project of exposing the myth, destroying the belief that Islam is a Peace Loving Religion.
Every day there is a new post titled "On This Day" which lists a farrago of historical events that details Muslim atrocities for this particular calendar day.

At the end of the project, there will be 365 pages of posts and I hope someone puts it all together into a book.

I think it will be a relatively heavy book, all the better to hit people over the head, I'm thinking of those people who keep saying "the majority of Muslims are peace loving" as if this tautology makes any difference.

In fact, I think this future book will be very useful in hitting politicians over the head worldwide. Those politicians that make policies that have opened a floodgate to Muslim immigration into their countries. Specifically, England, Germany, Sweden.
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1 comment:

none said...

I've read a lot of that. Sadly no one will listen until the muslims are on their door step.
