I thought I might check it out so I keyed in the name of my street, lo and behold

So now I can give people my address and they can Google it to see exactly what my location looks like. There's no picture of the house which is good.
I'm not obsessed with privacy but for those that are, it could be a matter of concern. Already a school has requested pictures be removed because they show private roads on the property.
The love of new technology is great but we need to adjust to a world where information is readily available whether we like it or not.
I'm wondering whether the satellite pic of my pool could be updated so that the swimming pool and garden can be shown more clearly. Should I put in a request to Google?
They did, they did, they did, they did....

I checked ours a little while ago - we're nowhere near that close up I think. Never heard of the street view until now - have to check it out.
I found my house just by zooming in on the approximate area.
It doesn't do all streets. My mother's house is in Los Angeles and it still cannot be seen from the street level.
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