Saturday, May 05, 2007

Evolution and Abortion

Two subjects which don't seem related to each other are to me essentially entwined.

The first picture is a comparison of embryos at a very early stage of development. If you didn't see the labels at the top of the picture, you wouldn't know which one is the human embryo.

This is to me, the strongest argument for the existence of evolution. We are all formed from the same code, from the same materials. From fish to human the development is one of advancement and increased complexity. Ergo, evolution.

The other aspect is the foetus itself. It is only a blueprint of nature. It is a design, it is a prototype it is the beginning of the development process for the creation of another life form. Often referred to as "the miracle of life" I don't see it as a miracle. Not because I don't see it as amazing and wonderful, but because "miracle" implies the existence of God. That's the part that sticks in my throat.

Now for Lexcen's PENIS theory.

Throughout history, those of us with penises never could accept the importance of those of us with a vagina, the fact that they had the power to give life. This took away the thunder of those testosterone driven penis people. It was important to create a different explanation to life and attribute it to mystical significance.
The legacy of this travesty is that it is now the penis people who make laws telling vagina people what they can and can't do with the foetus that they carry inside their wombs. Arrogant isn't it?

NB. Notice that it is penis people in skirts (priests) that advocate laws forbidding women to have any control over their bodies. Screwed up world isn't it?

That sums up my view on abortion and how it connects to evolution.


Jeannie said...

So you are saying that you are basically ok with abortion correct?

I'm not. Because I see the woman's body as a life support system for this new human - I don't think it's just a mass of tissue. But I also understand that not everyone has the same beliefs as I do and I think they are entitled to a safe procedure. I also see that the world doesn't really need a heck of a lot more humans to mess it up. I am also not prepared to support a bunch of unwed crackhead mothers and their brats - unless it happens to be my daughter.
So I believe it to be a necessary evil. Kinda like torture.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I am against that abortion is used as a prevantive.
But in certain cases it is both the most correct, the most humane and the most merciful.

Lexcen said...

Ladies, you both seem to have an ambivalent attitude to abortion. I agree it is a complicated issue with strong arguments for and against. What I think about it is irrelevant because I will never be in that position to have to make a choice. It is each woman's choice to make. We don't legislate on whether women can or can't get pregnant do we? Should we punish a woman who gets pregnant?
What kind of life does a child have who wasn't wanted to be born in the first place? Finally, life is not sacred. That's just a religious belief and I don't do religion.
