Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hammer's Meme

I didn't want to feel left out.

  1. What is the stupidest mistake you have ever made with money?

I invested in rental property only to find the rental market was over saturated. I ended up losing about $50,000

2. Do you think taxes are unfair or do you think it’s your civic duty?

Taxes are only fair if they are proportional to your income. Unfair when they are proportional to your ability to avoid paying them.

3. Do you take risks and possibly turn your life upside down for new opportunity?

Yes I do, yes I have. I like to live dangerously

4. Are you the alpha in your household? (Include pets)

yes, most of the time.

5. Do you compromise with your significant other or does someone always get their way?

Compromise is the key to a successful marriage.

6. What curse word do you use most often?


7. Do you easily change your mind or are you dead set on most issues?

I can change my mind because I’m constantly questioning the assumptions that underlie accepted beliefs.

8. What famous person would you like to trade places with for one week?

Bono – because he seems to know everybody who is famous and worth meeting.

9. If you could go back in time and tell one person off, who would it be and what would you say?

Bill Gates, "don't be so goddamn greedy"

10. Were you a good student or did you do just enough to get by?

Always the under achiever.

11. If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out on their own, what would you tell them?

Don’t be afraid to fail.

12. Are people basically good and honest or are most people opportunistic and predatory?

10% are opportunistic and predatory

13. Is there somebody you wish you could go back and apologize to?

No, never, nobody.

Feel free to join in...


Anonymous said...

Hehe...I was just working on this and grabbing your link to "tag" you!

Well, good answers.

none said...

fuckshit lol I'll have to try that compound word.

Smart answers!

Jeannie said...

I had you in mind but wasn't sure you'd play. INstead I picked someone who hasn't even been online for a few weeks. I'm such a fuckshit.

Lexcen said...

Jenafear, thanks.

Hammer, fuckshit works for me.

Jeannie, kisses.
