...the problem that will not go away...Aborigines and Land Rights, Aborigines and the Stolen Generation, Aborigines and alcoholism, Aborigines and discrimination, Aborigines and rape, Aborigines and child molestation, Aborigines and Tribal Law, Aborigines and manufacturing of History, Aborigines and artist exploitation, Aborigines and police persecution, Aborigines and the "Sorry" debate, Aborigines and Mabo decision, Aborigines and Terra Nullis debate, Aborigines and government welfare, Aborigines and secret women's business, Aborigines and whatever will be the next big issue...
Welcome to Australia.
Everyday it's another front page story, it's something to do with Aborigines, everybody has an opinion on how to solve the problem. The problem is an endless series of issues relating to a race of indiginous peoples who have been displaced by colonization of the Australian continent over 200 years ago.

Aborigines, a race unique to the Australian continent, a stone age people who are unable to come to terms with modern civilization. A primitive culture that lingers in isolated community reserves set up by government with no definable purpose, alienated from their traditional way of life (hunter- gatherer/nomad) living off government handouts.
Aborigines make nice paintings that white people pay ridiculous amounts of money to own.
Hmm Intol, I have to say I think Indians, native Americans, whatever you wish to call them, are more like these aborigines...
I have to agree with you jen, the natives of this continent (aborigines) are very similiar to the American Indians in that they have been displaced, and forced to live on reservations. I don't know if there is such a widespread feeling of collective guilt about Indians as there is in Aust. The PC mob, the bleeding hearts, the treehuggers, the greenies, the left wing ratbags have an agenda about restitution of past crimes against aboriginal people, now referred to as Indiginous People. There is an interesting contrast between the Aust. aborigines and the New Zealand Maoris who also are a displaced indiginous/aboriginal/indian people seem to have a stronger sense of culture and pride in their culture than do aborigines.
true Jen, but our Natives are far from the aborigines lex describes. They more resemble our caffers. Our NAs are more into cheating our tax departments and opening casinos. More entrepreneurial than criminal and helpless...
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