Friday, September 29, 2006

More Deafenitions from the Aussie archives

Ankle biter - young child

Bloke - a man

Bored shitless - very bored

Brick shithouse(built like a) - solid build

Bush oyster - nasal effluent

Chunder- throw up

Dag - someone without any style ( fr the shit on a sheeps tail)

Dipstick- and idiot

Drongo - not very clever

Fruit Loop - crazy

Gobsmacked - surprized

Knock - to criticize

Liquid laugh - vomit

Pommy bastard- English person

Rip snorter - terrific

shithouse - really bad

smoko - a smoke/coffee break

Walkabout- to go missing

Wog - foreigner

Lexcen industries bringing you the culture of Australia


none said...

When I was a kid I heard mucous referred to as "clams" especially if the kid had bubbly green boogers coming out of his nose.

It must be more than a coincidence that Aussies call it a bush oyster.

In my neck of the woods an ankle biter is a really small yippy dog.

Liquid laugh reminds me of another vomit term: "Technicolor yawn"

Lexcen said...

Hammer, yes I forgot that one. I bet there's many more that are just waiting to be heralded.
