Monday, October 30, 2006

Religion and Sex and Women

What is it about religion, that makes sex an issue more important and more obsessive than the concern with God? Australia has just been experiencing a furore as a result of a speech made by a Muslim mufti (see previous post). Today, a new story about the influence on Sheik Hilali's view of women. The comment that outraged everybody, the metaphor of women as exposed meat who are leaving themselves open to predators. So women are the problem.
Lets not forget that the Catholics have a serious problem with their little children tempting those celibate priest to do nasty things to the kids. The Pope has spoken out against this problem.
I see a link here, I see a pattern developing. Religious devotion seems to create an unhealthy obsession with sex. Is it the devil's work? Maybe, but the devil wouldn't limit himself to just one particular sin, as there are many more available, such as murder, theft, pride, envy etc.

I have a theory to explain the unnatural obsession of religious devotees to sex. God is an abbreviaton of GONAD. God lives in the gonads of human beings. The more fervent the obsession with God, the more fervent the desire to make contact with God. As we all know, orgasm usually is expressed in the religious phrase, "OH God, Oh My God".

It seems obvious that Muslim men would not want to think about God when going about their usual daily activities, so women must be covered or these poor men will be distracted into thoughts about God.

Catholic priests are the servants of God so they participate in self-denial of experiencing God.
Of course, the too are tempted and what could be more tempting than the innocence and purity of children?


Anonymous said...

Mmmm ... well I see a pattern too ... and it's across all religions, and generally proportionate to the level of control/orthodoxy ... the problem as always is "the church" not the religion itself.

That's my view ... generally, and there are exceptions, the more the church "controls" its members, the greater the perversion.

Lexcen said...

Rake, I only know of the Gnostic religion as being a religion without a "church".
