Saturday, December 16, 2006

After the bushfire

Kirsten was asking me in the comments regarding the aftermath of a bushfire.
Here are some typical images of the results. Of course, the bush regenerates and after about five years it is well on its way to re vegetating.

Here's a picture of a grass tree (xanthorea ) that has adapted to surviving bushfires. These plants live for hundreds of years. I had a glorious specimen in my back yard but it died from over watering. The really old ones are spectacular because they have black trunks rising up to six metres with the tuft of greenery at the top. Other native trees need bushfire for the seeds to germinate and begin to sprout immediately after the fire.
Thanks Kirsten for your interest.


none said...

In some forests here, fires are the only means for some plants to reproduce. It takes extreme heat for a pine cone to break open and release it's seeds.

It's amazing how nature adapts.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Ohh, the Xanthorea is beautiful.
I really hope that the vegetation comes back, yeah. I didn't know that some trees need heat to reproduse. The other pix look pityful though.
