Welcome to the EvilBible.com Web Site
This web site is designed to spread the vicious truth about the Bible. For far too long priests and preachers have completely ignored the vicious criminal acts that the Bible promotes. The so called “God” of the Bible makes Osama Bin Laden look like a Boy Scout. This God, according to the Bible, is directly responsible for many mass-murders, rapes, pillage, plunder, slavery, child abuse and killing, not to mention the killing of unborn children. I have included references to the Biblical passages, so grab your Bible and follow along. You can also follow along with on-line Bibles such as BibleStudyTools.net or SkepticsAnnotatedBible.com.
In normal circumstances, I would be proud to declare myself an atheist and applaud the site that points out the barbarism depicted in the Bible. These are NOT normal times.
C'mon Christian Fundamentalists, do your duty and protest in the streets. Your sacred Bible is being attacked. You can't possibly expect us atheist to stand up and defend the Bible. What's even worse, it's giving fuel to the Muslims to hate us. I'm stuck in the middle of two religions that I dislike, I won't support either of them. I won't support any religion. I think all religions are bad because they are used as justification for vicious acts against other human beings.
When an artist attempted to show his paintings of "Piss Christ" there was outrage by the public.

Remember the riots caused by the Danish cartoons of Mohammed?
What can I say?
Pissing on the Bible, Pissing on the Qu'ran, Pissing on images of the crucifixion. I'm pissed off. Don't piss on my parade. This is piss weak.

I asked a bible person about all the horrific things god supposedly did in the old testament.
He said we can ignore all that because Jesus came and gave his life for us...
If we can ignore all that they why do people even read the old testament?
Hammer, Christian Fundamentalists take the old testament literally. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Adam and Eve,Noah's ark, Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt,Samson and Delilah, parting of the Red Sea, just some of the great stories that make up the good book. Genesis is always educational reading and tells you everything you need to know about evolution. I love it.
You are mistaken. What I'm showing is the work or "art" that caused the outrage. Also, cartoons are a work of art.
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