Friday, April 27, 2007


Prostate and bladder, sagittal section.Image via Wikipedia Diverticulitis has taken hold of Lex.

I suspect that the infection in the bowel has managed to spread to the prostate causing the prostatitis symptoms.

As we would say in Australia, Lex isn't a happy little vegemite.

Of course, this hasn't and won't stop me posting blogs. The brain is still functioning with it's perverted sense of humor.
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Kirsten N. Namskau said...

At least it's week end. Take a good rest. Do what you like most of all.
BTW. I can't stop eating you wife's chocolate cake. This is the third time I make it. I start the day with a small piece and end the day with a small piece. It is ADICTIVE!!! (and I who never used to like chocolate cake) Hmmm.

Jeannie said...

Sorry to hear about the diverticulitis. Hope it's not too severe. Keep the fibre up. I take metamucil (a knock off actually) every day. It can also lower cholesterol.

I will have to try that cake.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, very glad to hear you like the chocolate cake. I'll ask Pumpkin for some more recipes.

Jeannie, thanks for the advice. I never thought my diet was at fault since I eat lots of vegetables and small quantities of meat.

Anonymous said...

It sounds uncomfortable. Hope you feel better soon.

none said...

green tea tends to help from what I read.

I hope you feel better soon.

Baconeater said...

Maybe you aren't eating enough meat.......and pizza.

Anonymous said...

Nasty ailment. Hope you work it out and are back in business soon.

Lexcen said...

Thanks everybody, I'm already feeling better.
