Tuesday, April 24, 2007

To Bidet or not to Bidet, that is the question.

World renowned environmentalist and part time singer, Sheryl Crow has brought to my attention the disturbing nature of paper being used in a profligate manner that threatens the environment.

So the question is, should we all discard the use of paper in favor of the bidet?

Well, in Australia this isn't an option because we have a water shortage crisis.

We could follow the example of the Quran and use rocks instead of paper.

This is an issue of great significance and worldwide importance.

Please stop what you are doing, especially if you are reaching for that extra bit of 2ply or 3ply, scented or not, extra strong or not and bleached or unbleached, embossed or not, floral pattern or other pattern, and think of the environment.


none said...

Just like every other hipocritical enviro busybody, I bet Ms crow has a cellar full of soft multi-ply triple rolls.

I think everyone who values a clean ass should toilet paper that frigging palace she lives in.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the penalty would be for using more than your share of toilet paper squares? I have to say that I prefer a clean ass too much and want enough squares to accomplish that goal...

Thanks for this article, I needed a laugh.

Little Lamb said...

Sheryl Crow is supposed to cut down on using toilet paper and I don't want to know how much she'll be using.

none said...

I'm sure we can give sheryl the sniff test to see if she is abiding.

Jeannie said...

One square huh? Disgusting! I'm sure toilet paper could be made out of recycled paper.

Could she have been kidding?

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I am a little surprised here.

1) in Scandinavia, some kind of toilettpaper ARE made of recycling paper
2) I don't really understand the shortage of water in Australia. You are surrounded by water, sea-water that is. Why don't the government purify seawater to be connected to the badth-room, when they are ready to purify sewage-water to be drinking-water? That is done other places on earth!
3)Here in Egypt, I have bidet built in, in my toilet. (Purified sea-water that is) After every toilet-visit, I wash my ass, even after peeing. At more heavy "business", I even wash my ass with soap and have an ass-towel beside the toilet. (A towel little bigger than a wash-cloth)I also have toilet-paper for visitors that are afraid of water ... But if they are not, every visitor get their own toilet-towel in different colors.
It is very common here, when you visit someone, that they have a basket full of clean ass-towels beside the toilet. After use, you trow it in the laundry-basket ... NO BIG DEAL ...you didn't dry off the shit, you dried off the access water after washing your ass.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, I think you've managed to solve Australia's water problem.
Unfortunately our government is slow, stupid and short sighted.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Lexcen: Shout it out in the news-paper. As an article, as an idea to the government. I have done that many times MYSELF, in my life, both in Scandinavia and here in Egypt ... and you know what??? IT WORKS.

southfield_2001 said...

I think Sheryl must have fallen off one too many bicycles because her brain has gone pfffftttt...
