Saturday, April 21, 2007

Who is watching who?

This is interesting.
Click on the icon just below the Terrorist victim counter on the right hand side of my page.
You now see a list of my webstats.
If you click on the green button on the right hand side of any of the addresses of the visitors listed, you will see a map of the location (including satellite pic) of the visitor.

Not much privacy on the net, is there?


none said...

Weird, mine is completely wrong.

Still scary stuff. I hope I don't piss anyone off badly enough for them to buy a plane ticket.

Lexcen said...

Mine is absolutely correct. I think the accuracy depends on where the hub is located in relation to where you live.

Jeannie said...

Hey Lexcen! I can see my house from here!

That's just damn creepy.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

It shows me in wrong place on earth.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, you are obviously safe from my prying eyes.

ChrisinMB said...

LOL, I'm using a satellite based system and mine is way off for obvious reasons. :P

Lexcen said...

Chris, I'm not surprised. It's only as accurate as the nearest internet hub which connects to the PC.

Michael said...

Well, then that's why it showed me about 90 miles from where I really am...

Cool stat counter, though.
Mine puts you in Melbourne.

Lexcen said...

Michael, the satellite pic shows my swimming pool and the roof of the house. I'm impressed by its accuracy although I received plenty of comments telling me this isn't always the case.
