Saturday, April 21, 2007

100 Things about me.

  1. I never married till I was 42
  2. I was raised by a single mother
  3. I could read before I went to school
  4. I think about sex every ten seconds
  5. I hate my father because he is the most stupid person I've ever met.
  6. I drink single malt scotch whiskey
  7. I've worn glasses since I was 17
  8. I was a virgin till the age of 18
  9. My favorite color is red
  10. My favorite food is chocolate
  11. I collect watches
  12. I'm deaf in my left ear
  13. I changed(anglophied) my surname when I was 25
  14. I've been to Europe (England,Spain,Germany,Holland,Sweden,Denmark,Greece,Italy,France)
  15. I collect hats
  16. I sing out of tune
  17. I used to play classical guitar
  18. Sometimes I paint on canvas
  19. I've never smoked tobacco
  20. I once smoked marijuana but didn't inhale
  21. I've never done any other drugs
  22. I love to read novels and non-fiction, detective stories, science fiction, historical.
  23. I've read the daily newspaper everyday since I was 19
  24. I used to be an altar boy
  25. I used to be a boy scout
  26. Certain songs can bring tears to my eyes
  27. I think that anyone who claims they have memorized the Qu'ran is full of shit.
  28. I was deprived of opportunities in life because I was unable to tell a lie.
  29. I used to think I was painfully shy until I realized I just didn't like people.
  30. When I was young I had a pet merino ram
  31. I have no brothers or sisters, my parents divorced when I was one year old
  32. I stopped believing in God when I was 17
  33. I was psychologically teased and tormented as a child by my uncle when we lived in the same house.
  34. I used to have panic attacks and suffer from depression until I started taking Zoloft
  35. The friends I had before I got married have all distanced themselves.
  36. I've never been good at playing sport
  37. I hate watching sport
  38. I've given up watching commercial television, including cable because they now have commercials as well.
  39. I suffered with shy bladder most of my life but finally overcame it.
  40. My star sign is Virgo
  41. I've has asthma since I was 24
  42. I've had arthritis all my life
  43. I have recurring bouts of prostatitis, including now
  44. I tend to become obsessive if I develop an interest in something
  45. I am an underachiever
  46. I have been unemployed only once in my life
  47. I graduated from University
  48. I like to wear bling bling
  49. I have recurring dreams where I can fly
  50. I often fantasize about being a millionaire
  51. I have a wicked sense of humor
  52. I can often be very sarcastic
  53. I am a stepfather to two children
  54. I have three cats
  55. I hate it when people tell me I'm short, as if I didn't know
  56. I have zero tolerance for stupidity
  57. I have yeast intolerance which prevents me from enjoying beer, wine and cakes, bread, pasta, biscuits
  58. I have a preference for well endowed women
  59. I have a reputation as a troublemaker
  60. I love computers but don't like computer games
  61. I've once went paragliding
  62. I've often thought about parachuting but chickened out when I had the opportunity
  63. I've flown in a Fokker friendship single engine plane
  64. I used to fly stunt kites for recreation
  65. I used to play golf until the crowds on the golf course made it too stressful to enjoy
  66. I love to swim
  67. I took up skiing when I was 35 and haven't done it since
  68. I am left handed
  69. I like to read myself to sleep.
  70. I started writing "blogs" as a teenager, long before computers and the internet were invented.
  71. I fractured my ankle on a skateboard when I was 11. I haven't broken any other bones since.
  72. My parents are of Greek descent but were born and raised in Egypt. I was born in Australia and think of myself as an Australian
  73. I am 167cm tall
  74. I weigh 78 kilos
  75. I would like to swap lives with Hugh Hefner and Mick Jagger for a day.
  76. The last book I read was Rising Sun by Michael Crichton
  77. I am currently reading Southern Cross by Patricia Cornwell
  78. The best dish I ever cooked was Moussaka
  79. I don't believe in UFO's, Santa Claus, fairies, demons, the afterlife, ghosts, faith healing, miracles, superstitions, angels, leprechauns, Rei Ki, magic spells, iridology, reincarnation, ESP, Uri Geller, ouija boards, premonition.
  80. I drive a V8
  81. The 10 greatest pop groups in the world, in no particular order: U2.; The Beatles; The Rolling Stones; Chicago; Santana; Oasis; Coldplay; Doobie Brothers; The Doors
  82. The 10 greatest songs ever written are, in no particular order: The Shadow of Your Smile(Johnny Mandel); Feelings (Morris Albert); Yesterday (Beatles); Whiter Shade of Pale (Procol Harum/Bach); Jumpin' Jack Flash(Rolling Stones); What Kind of Fool(Barry Gibb); Don't Dream It's Over (Crowded House); Careless Whisper (George Michael); In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins).
  83. The most beautiful woman in the world, Catherine Zeta Jones
  84. The funniest movie of all time is Some Like it Hot directed by Billy Wilder
  85. I think Marilyn Monroe was a much overrated beauty
  86. I greatly admire Woody Allen and enjoy his movies.
  87. Favorite Movie - The Blue Angel
  88. Favorite Book Catch 22 by Joseph Heller (also the funniest book I've ever read)
  89. Favorite music- I'm a Lumberjack by Monty Python crew
  90. The only book I've ever read twice is Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon, which was well worth the effort.
  91. Places I'd like to visit before I die, Niagara Falls, Yellowstone National Park, The Canadian Rocky Mountains, Antarctica, The Amazon Rainforest, Machu Pichu.
  92. Favorite comedy series on TV - Faulty Towers
  93. I am a Star Trek fan
  94. Favorite aftershave is Farenheit
  95. Favorite stone is Lapis Lazuli
  96. Favorite actor is Robert Mitchum
  97. Favorite guitarist Carlos Santana
  98. I sleep with a pillow between my legs
  99. I have flat feet
  100. This list is the hardest thing I've ever had to put together for a blog


none said...

Very interesting.

I can especially relate to


Lexcen said...

Hammer, interesting similarities.

Anonymous said...

...101. After FLC's "call me" icon, Lex appears floating in his pool when Vaginous is keyed in as search criteria on Google Image Search...

Lexcen said...


Lexcen said...

It's a mystery wrapped up in an enigma on how I managed to get my pic on google. I wasn't even trying. Where's the pic of the real Vaginous?

southfield_2001 said...

Wow! that must have taken some time, lex, revealing a lot about yourself but not too much.
Hope you downed a few drams of a good single malt while writing it because, as a friend of mine used to say, "no day can be truly bad if you've had a single malts during it". Advice I have taken to heart myself.

Lexcen said...

southfield, nobody wants the "bare all" view, do they? Cheers
