Thursday, May 31, 2007

This Week

News stories this week have been so bizarre as to leave the Lex speechless.
What can you say to an Islamic scholar who suggests circumventing Sharia Law forbidding women working in private premises with men with the solution of breastfeeding these men to establish a familial relationship????
What can the Lex say to Christian fundamentalists that claim dinosaurs were loaded onto Noah's Ark????
What kind of response is appropriate to scientists getting cows to give low fat milk?????
Not to mention the moral dilemma of do you or don't you tell a contestant on Big Brother that her father has died?????

I really feel like Alice in Wonderland, I've fallen down the rabbit hole and the whole world is insane.

What's even worse is that I can't stop sneezing. It seems that my sinuses are blocked and the thought processes have been clogged up.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

HA HA HA HA ... I agree with you!!! The whole world is insane.

Anonymous said...

Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? Hadn't heard this one. Did they bring a T-rex... and why didn't he eat the rest of them?

southfield_2001 said...

geez, lex, everyone seems to be having this reaction lately...well, maybe it means people are moving beyond bemused to outright pissed right the fuck off at some of the shit that's going on on this planet that's destroying our freedom, our democracies and our rights.
