Friday, June 08, 2007

Science and Religion

Science and religion is big news these days. Are they mutually exclusive or are they chalk and cheese?
In Australia we have Cardinal George Pell, making profound statements about science. What puzzles me is why anybody is taking him seriously. Cardinal Pell is making comments about cloning and stem cell research. Gee whiz, I didn't know he knew that much science.

I would like to weigh up the differences in knowledge between science and religion and let the reader decide if the two are compatible or not.

On the religious side we have miracles, virgin births, resurrections from the dead, angels, demons, blind faith, the inexplicable mind of GOD.

On the science side we have technology, medicine, electricity, biology, astronomy, geology, physics, chemistry.

Science has made our lives profoundly richer and more interesting.
Religion gives hope in a false way, religion breeds fear, intolerance, ignorance, irrationality, inquisitions, burning witches.

Indeed, religion was the custodian of all knowledge in the dark ages but the renaissance wasn't a product of religion and Gutenberg's printing press liberated knowledge and information and allowed the spread of new ideas.
When Galileo looked through a telescope and tried to tell the world that the earth wasn't the center of the universe, the Church hounded him into silence.

Today the battle is between the Christian fundamentalists and their refusal to accept evolution.
Today the battle is between religious spokesmen who are self-appointed defenders of ethics and morality. They feel the need to control science. The religious want to be the self appointed defenders of mankind, defend us against our own mischievous curiosity, like little children playing with matches.

The religious pundits, those who are selling us an afterlife, with no money back guarantee.
The religious pundits who expect us to suspend all rational thought and believe in the unbelievable and if we can't quite complete the task, feel guilty about it. We should feel guilty because we cannot believe in unsubstantiated myths, legends, miracles, stories, an invisible God, saints, angels.
And now these same pundits are experts on science and stem cell research. We must bow to their superior wisdom and insight. Politicians must pass laws in response to superior wisdom and insight.

Why are we giving so much credence to religion??

Science seeks to discover the truth while religion claims to have a monopoly on truth.

Science is open to inquiry while religion builds impenetrable walls of dogma.

Science is subject to proof while religion demands blind faith without any proof.

Chalk and cheese.


Jeannie said...

Did you know that the original scientists began the quest for knowledge believing that there was a God who was logical and would make his creation logical and knowable?
And "scientists" don't always get everything right either - they've answered a number of questions but they sometimes misinterpret or exaggerate just like religion does. And you also can not lump all those who follow religion together - just because some outspoken few make a statement, doesn't mean that everyone believes it. And funny enough, science often proves the validity of some statement or edict in the bible that beforehand may not have made any sense previously. I'm not saying all the ritual and hocus pocus is necessary - but some people aren't very smart and you have to give them something they can understand at their own level. And unfortunately there are also unscrupulous people that will take advantage of stupid people by making pronouncing dogma as a means of control and others who like to maintain the status quo because it's in their favour. I try not to hold what people do against God.

Jeannie said...

I should have proofread what I wrote I guess...duh - interruptions...

Lexcen said...

Jeannie, I can't think of anything that science has discovered to prove any religious belief. On the other hand there is a lot of philosophical discussion involving metaphysics and quantum mechanics but that's beyond me.
As for any intelligent person who is a scientist and also believes in GOD, then I regard them as schizophrenic.
My point remains that we should leave religion out of the laboratory.
I can't accept religion telling me what is life and what isn't, I can't accept religion telling me that human life is sacred when humans are over-populating the planet, causing the extinction of many species, and polluting the earth. How dare they tell us human life is sacred. Human beings should be culled like all other vermin that over populate. OK so I've gone overboard but let's put religion into perspective. Leave religion in a dark corner for those who need it, keep it under wraps or in sealed plastic bags and don't sell it to minors.
