Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's about time.

Removing tribal law is one small step towards dragging the stone age people into the modern world.
Once country, one law is the right way. Enough of this bullshit about aboriginal culture and how it should be respected and allowed to exist parallel to modern society.
For example, how does traditional aboriginal culture deal with crimes committed? They throw spears at the offender.
I've said it before, the notion of the "noble savage" is a misconception, a fantasy, an idealization created in the mind of someone who could well be on drugs.
How about the initiation ceremony for young boys where incisions are made on the chest and ash is placed on top to cauterize the wounds.
Surely such a practice shouldn't be abandoned, it's part of the culture isn't it?


none said...

I say live and let live...if they come near me with their spears and axes they will be shot.

We tried westernizing our indiginous population and now the vast majoirty live in abhect poverty, plagued by preventable disease and a 40% alcoholism rate.

Or they are rich off their ass from running casinos ;)

Stucco said...

If they want to butcher one another to preserve a culture, where's the harm? If it's so stupid, they'll die off. No harm, no foul. Now, if they were insisting that you do some fool thing...

Lexcen said...

I really do believe that the reluctance to integrate into western society is what is holding these people back and keeping them in poverty. I cannot see how maintaining a stone age culture is compatible with living a modern western lifestyle.
