Saturday, March 15, 2008

60th Anniversary of establishment of Israel

Congratulations to Israel. A triumph of will and determination against all odds. Israel is an oasis of democracy within the Middle East. Israel is a triumph of hope against despair. It is also the thorn in the side of Islam. A Jewish state right in the middle of what used to be the Caliphate is both irritating and humiliating to all Muslims.
The Palestinians are the pawns who must be sacrificed for the greater goal of Islam. Arabs of all nations make remarks and gestures of support of Palestinian dispossessed people while at the same time stirring the pot of discontent and violence against Israel.
There cannot and will not ever be a solution to the Palestinian problem as long as Israel exists. There is no room for negotiations with Islam.

In an escalation of despair, the movements that expound violence against Israel for it's crime of existing, there is no limits to the human sacrifice possible, proposed or perpetrated that is beyond the Arab arsenal. Hijacking of aeroplanes, bombing buildings,random shooting of innocent schoolchildren, self- exploding suicide bombers, using their own citizens as human shields -the suffering of their own women and children whose deaths are exploited for propaganda purposes. What next?

Does anybody know how this violence is justified?
It's because Jews rejected Mohammed. That's right. He made them an offer to convert to Islam, a religion from which borrowed to create his own (ie Do not eat pork is a Jewish belief that has no basis other than being stolen from Judaism) and the Jews were ungrateful enough to reject his offer.

Violence is at the very core of Islam. Convert to Islam or die.
Do not criticize Islam or die.
Do not mock Islam or die.
Do not reject Islam or die.
Do not leave Islam or die.
Islam does mean submission, submit to Islam or die.

How much does anybody need to know about Islam before they realize that this isn't a religion that tolerates diversity, free thinking, democracy or human rights?

What other society, what other nation would tolerate the level of violence against it's existence as much as Israel has without going overboard with retaliation?
Bombings and missile attacks on a weekly basis. Suicide bombs killing randomly and missiles launched from across the border.
Put aside the justifications made for such attacks and ask yourself, which other nation would put up with this and for how long?

Congratulations Israel.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Thanks, Lex!
Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) falls on 8 May this year, fyi...

Interesting thoughts you drew from the simple fact of Israel's rebirth.

Examine this: "Hijacking of aeroplanes, bombing buildings,random shooting of innocent schoolchildren, self- exploding suicide bombers, using their own citizens as human shields -the suffering of their own women and children whose deaths are exploited for propaganda purposes."

And compare it to an the examples of Israeli inventions and medical/technical contributions to the world, and you'll see the difference between Us and Them. We love, and live for, life. And we'll celebrate it again this spring.
