Friday, June 03, 2011

Islam and Jesus?

Looks like the Islamic propaganda machine has stepped up into high gear.
Where is the outrage from Christians? Maybe they're just turning the other cheek like good Christians should.

You know, there's only so much an atheist like myself can do. Strange that I would be the one leading a campaign in support of Jesus. In fact, I refuse to take on that role.
Where are you Christian Fundamentalists when we need you?
Maybe Christians should stop being obsessed with making money for their church and turn to real world issues. How about it guys?


Damien said...


Actually from what I understand some Christians are pretty offended by this, its just that today very few Christians react violently when someone says something contrary to their faith.

Damien said...

Also, there are some Christian groups who do practically nothing by but Criticize Islam. Here's one.

Here's one of them.

Answering Muslims

Damien said...

Now for all the none Christians out there, youtube user Deist Paladin, actually has a pretty good response to this ad.

The Muslim Jesus Failed as a Prophet

Lexcen said...

Damien, thanks for the links. We should realize that Muslims have no qualms about distorting facts and propagating blatant lies. The weakness of Christians is their adherence to interpretation of the Bible but I don't think they ever resort to blatant lies and deception.

Lexcen said...

Creationists are delusional, they believe their own bullshit whereas Muslims know that are propagating lies in order to advance their cause.Creationists are stupid because they can't comprehend real science whereas Muslims totally disregard science, truth, facts.

I should correct Paladin on the video because he might imply that Mohammed wrote anything himself. Mohammed was illiterate and all his sayings and teaching were written for him by others.

Damien said...


Creationists maybe delusional, but when they quote mine scientists like Richard Dawkins or the late Steven Jay Gould and deliberately take what they said out of context to support creationism, they are also lairs. Its dishonest to distort what someone else said to make it sound like they said something they never actually said.

Jesus is mentioned in the Koran, although, he is radically different than the Jesus mentioned in the Bible, and he is called a prophet there, so in this case, I think its safe to say that the person who made this ad probably believed it himself, because it actually is something that Muslims believe.

Good point about Muhammad being illiterate, however.
