Friday, November 24, 2006


Want to be happy but aren't? Feeling a bit down lately? Life getting too much for you?
You need a course in Positive Psychology. That's right, all you need to do is enroll in this course at the university of Happiness studies and you too will be feeling better, upon graduating of course.

Go on, don't procrastinate, do yourself a favor, and be happy.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

In whatever way you do it, Lexcen...Life goes up and down. Take care and have a nice Thanks Giving...Make it vegetarian.

(24???Are you already at 24.Nov???Then you had Thanks Giving yesterday!!! I'm too late...)

Well then... Have a nice day. Make it vegetarian.

none said...

Forcing myself to act positive usually helps create a self fulfilling prophecy.

However,I don't need any stinking moonbats to teach me how to be happy, that is unless they are handing out free samples of happy pills...
