Monday, April 09, 2007

Taxes and stuff

I was being cynical when I commented on a blog today about the government being able to tax homeless people when I read this story, about the government in America considering taxing illegal immigrants. Yes, it's ok to be an illegal immigrant as long as you pay your taxes.

I'm sure David and Anthony, my American friends will be frothing at the mouth at this news.

In Australia the government wants to tax prostitutes working in brothels.

Anything is ok as long as the government can get their share.


none said...

I think it's a punitive tax also to recoup the billions spent on social services for illegals.

I say deport them aand make them come over the right way.

Jeannie said...

I'm in Canada. My Dad used to do the taxes for a Madame. I'm not sure what she said her line of work was for tax purposes. I was also under the impression that exchanging sex for money was not in itself illegal here but soliciting sex for money is. I could be wrong, or they might have changed the law. But that woman paid her taxes.

Little Lamb said...

I agree with hammer.

Also, the government has too much money. All they do is waste it.

Lexcen said...

Hammer, my point is that a tax legitimizes the behavior. How can an illegal immigrant be both illegal and a taxpayer? By paying taxes they have certain rights and obligations by the government.

Jeannie, I'm not against legal prostitution which we have here in Australia. I just think that taxation is a social contract between the tax collector and the person paying tax.
The prostitutes aren't getting anything in return for paying taxes. Our government already has hit the jackpot by taxing poker machine revenue, tobacco sales, alcohol sales and the revenue from speeding fines which are unfair and draconian, not to mention the recently imposed Goods and Services tax(sales tax) on top of all the other taxes which have remained in place despite promises that they would be removed to ease the burden of the new sales tax.
The government is rolling in money but we (as taxpayers) aren't getting anything in return.

none said...

It's like out illegal drug tax. Drug runners must pay taxes on their contraband drugs and put the tax stickers on the bags or face further criminal charges.

I think calling it a fee or a fine would be smarter than calling it a tax.

none said...
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Lexcen said...

Hammer, our government has all kinds of different names for taxes, such as stamp duty, speeding fines, tariffs, customs duty, levy, driving license, car registration, etc etc.

Travel Italy said...

Not frothing, simply distraught. Collecting Taxes actually will create a contractual recognition if the legislators do not take on the problem earlier.

I am resigned to the fact that the US will shortly lose its economic stature. I just hope that Americans realize that it is our own fault instead of taking up arms in a populous revolt.

Timmy said...

America might as well tax the hell out of the bastards until we can get 'em to head on back to Mexico...
