Tuesday, October 10, 2006

School assignment.

For todays assignment, I want you to imagine yourself living in a gay community and write about what it would be like for you and what problems you would encounter.

I must be out of step with the rest of the community because the online poll shows that most people feel comfortable with this concept of letting teenage children discuss such themes.

Personally I feel that acceptance of gays is being rammed down the little throats of a captive audience who don't know any better than what they are told. These kids don't have a chance to form their own opinions because opinions are being moulded in the classroom.

I remember as a student, that my teachers opinions had a profound and lasting effect on me and how I saw the world.

Teachers should be aware of their influence on young minds.

Why is it so important to accept gays as normal? Who decided they were normal? I'm not passing judgement on them and I don't force my opinions on others about gays.


none said...

Sad. The schools have no business
teaching about homosexuality. Lessons regarding moral judgement calls should be left to the parents.

If my kid was given an assignment like that I would be at the school raisng hell.

ChrisinMB said...

Personally, I don't care how other people prefer to have sex.

On the other hand over here in Canada we have several special interest groups promoting themselves in the public schools with more of a "social engineering" type approach rather than legitimate "education".

I'm all for some education but any form of social engineering in public school disgusts me. There is a very fine line between the two sometimes.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Maybe the teacher was gay. I remember a case in Norway, long time ago, where the students should write a composision about how they would act and react if they got abused.
Afterwards, the teacher took the story of one girl and reported it to the police, saying it was a letter from the girl, asking for help.
They almost succedes in destroying a happy family and a good relation between father and daughter.

Lexcen said...

Hammer, we always seem to agree.
Chris, we have to ask ourselves, as parents, what is the purpose of education? Does propaganda pretending to be education deserve to be proscribed? What about reading,writing and arithmetic? These are the tools that will serve the children.
Kirsten, I think what you illustrate has happened more than once before.

ButterSnatch said...

public schools are no place to teach children the ways of the fudge-packer. i don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with homosexuals (besides the fact that they put their outy things in other menz naughty places), but the public schooling system is not the place where the subject should be discussed in a "this is morally right", or "this is morally wrong" way. the discussion should be left for either the parents to have with them, or their first gay lover to have with them.

Anonymous said...

This is outcomes based education in action.
The poor teacher is trying to satisfy some "acceptance of all minority groups" or some such outcome dreamt up by the pinheads in the education department.

Unknown said...

You are all totally, utterly insane.
