Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Paruresis (shy bladder syndrome)

Paruresis or shy bladder syndrome

One of the quirks of behaviour that has plagued me all my life which I finally overcame was the shy bladder syndrome.

I would always envy the other guys who could just pull out their plumbing and let the waterfall cascade anywhere, anytime. My greatest hero is the guy who urinated in front of hundreds of people at an outdoor concert. He had no hangups.

To my amazement, today I read an article in the paper which highlights this syndrome and reckons that 25% of males suffer from this debilitating, psychological condition.

It even has an obscure name that not even my spell checker has heard of Paruresis. Those Greeks have a name for everything.

This quirk was going to be one of the 100 things about me that I'm putting together after being inspired by Hammer. Now it's a subject worthy of a posting all to itself.


Josy said...

Never heard of this condition before. I have some of the symptoms myself!
We have so much in common Lexcen.

Lexcen said...

Jos, nice to hear from you, it's been a long time.
