Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Human Carnage

Student in Virginia kills 32.
As the latest news sinks in, everybody will be thinking about why?how?not again?how could we have prevented this?


My thoughts turn the matter of human beings as unique amongst all the species on the planet.

This is what makes us unique. Our capacity for carnage on a mass scale. Whether it is organized pogrom, or warfare, or political retribution, or random killings, it is the human beings capacity for such atrocities that makes us unique.

And, we have the arrogance to consider ourselves superior to all other species.

I'm certainly not feeling superior today.


none said...

First news out of the gate is that he signed a muslim name to his list of grievences.

Anonymous said...

It's not us, the human race. It's the guns. Ask any gun control freaktoid. Guns are out of control.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I don't even bother to read about it ... I have come to the point that I say: "We sleep as we dress the bed."
We rise our children to become violent, abusive, neglecting, non emotional, lazy, demanding, phycopatic ...
The toys we give them IS guns and remote-controlled products, transformers and games that has to do with sex, violence and war, killings and how to steal...
What kind of "product" DO you think comes out of this???

JP: Guns is not out of controll. If you don't touch it, it can't do anything. It is HUMANITY that has lost the controll.

Lexcen said...

Hammer, I haven't heard that one.

JP, I don't want to get into a debate about gun control.

Kirsten, I'm sure there is too much emphasis on violence in entertainment.

none said...

I think JP was being sarcastic.
