Sunday, April 15, 2007

Recipe for Flourless chocolate cake

I'm not a great cook but my wife is brilliant and here is one of her recipes. This is a cake she often makes and I share it with my colleagues at work. It's so popular that I'm asked for the recipe all the time.
For those of you who feel intimidated by the culinary arts, this is really easy.
Jen, I hope you try this one.

Flourless Chocolate Cake


125 Almonds or any other nut (ground)

200g cooking chocolate

150g unsalted butter

3 tablespoon of cocoa

2 tablespoon of granulated instant coffee

160g-castor sugar

5 eggs

Mix butter with sugar

Add 2 egg yolks

Mix till fluffy

Add another 3 egg yolks and continue mixing till fluffy

Add cocoa and coffee

Continue mixing

Add melted chocolate

Stir in nuts

Whisk egg whites till stiff peaks form

Fold egg whites into mixture

Pour mix into greased and lined cake tin (springed cake tin with only bottom lined)

Bake for 45 minutes at 180C

*Springed cake tin is one where the side can be removed after baking.


Little Lamb said...

I love chocolate.

Lexcen said...

little lamb, I hope you enjoy it.
I'm trying to broaden my horizons in blogging and put a bit more of the personal side to the blog.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Ohhh ... This sounds delicious Lexcen. I will try this one and to my luck ... I have all the ingrediences available.

Jeannie said...

Looks great - especially as I have difficulty digesting wheat

one thing - is it really 125 almonds or 125 g or ml?

I see you measure by weight rather than volume which will be fun for me to adjust to but I hear it's far more accurate.

Lexcen said...

Jeannie, I should have mentioned you can buy almond meal instead, which is ground almonds. 125 grams is the correct measurement.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

none said...

Thanks for the recipe. Both my little neice and nephew have celiacs disease and this recipe will be perfect for them.

Lexcen said...

Hammer, I'm amazed at how many people suffer from celiacs disease.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I have not baked a cake before. Hus will be impressed if I pull it off. I will let you know how it goes...

Lexcen said...

Good luck Jen, I'm sure you can do it.
