Sunday, April 15, 2007

What is Faith?

Faith = to believe in something without any proof.

Faith = a belief in the supernatural.

Faith = a belief system in beings that exist only in our imagination.

Faith = a belief that life is mortal but the spirit is immortal.

Faith = a conviction that human beings are superior to all other species on the this planet.
Being superior and having immortal souls, human beings have an obligation to a supernatural God that never shows his existence, never communicates with human beings.

Faith = to deny the significance of our mortal lives in favor of an afterlife that is eternal and free from suffering.

Faith = to impose rules, regulations, restrictions, obligations, rituals, traditions, laws that have no rational meaning or purpose.

Faith = to attach enormous importance to the human head, covering it with all kinds of extravagant headgear, which somehow increases the person's faith.

Faith = an unhealthy obsession with sex and all things sexual, to the point where sex is considered filthy and undesirable.

Faith = a belief system that bestows the believer with absolute certainty that what they believe in is absolutely correct. No other belief system can be tolerated.

Faith = where the male of the species invariably controls the belief system whilst the female is given second class status.

Which faith do you belong to?


none said...

We already know the biggest hat wins ;)

Stucco said...

What religion pays attention to footwear?

Lexcen said...

Stucco, I give up, what is the answer?

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I don't have money for food today ...But I have faith; I have always the option of rice and tomatosauce avaiable.

Lexcen said...

Kirsten, there are many types of faith. I hope yours doesn't make you a second class person to a male.

Michael said...

From the pictures, I thought that faith was wearing funny hats...

Lexcen said...

Michael, from my observation it seems to two go hand in hand.
