Sunday, August 19, 2007

Climate Change

This story is hot. Don't forget to watch the video if you click the link.

Somebody thinks that the human race can halt climate change by advertising (see story).

Amazing really. I didn't know that advertising was so powerful but now I'm convinced.

We will soon be watching images of naked people on a glacier and immediately think, "Wow, I must do something about climate change.
As an individual I'm so powerful that I can change the world. It must be true if an advertisement tells me so".

I hope the cast of 600 got well paid for their efforts. I certainly wouldn't stand naked on a glacier, although I have stood on top of one in New Zealand, fully clothed.

So, how do I save the planet? Obviously wear less clothes...


Anonymous said...

There sure a lot of cracks on that glacier, I'll say that. And they all appear to be the result of the human presence...interesting indeed.

Lexcen said...

Cracks in the ice indeed :-)

Michael said...

ugh, that pun was bad...

none said...

Maybe they would make good polar bear chow...

Anonymous said...

Cold, Ice under foot, naked ...

Sometimes I wonder about the future of humanity.
