Imagine my surprise when I checked who was visiting my blog (see feedjit) to find a visit from the Australian Islamist Monitor site. Imagine even further surprise to see that Gripes ranks at number 4 on the list of blogs ranting about Islam. I'm sure that I've set up myself as a target for Jihadists. If, in the event of my sudden demise, please spare a thought and a prayer for me, I did my best to warn YOU dear readers.
And if you thought that's impressive, consider this. The A.I.M is archived by the National Library of Australia. That means that my rantings will be preserved for future generations to come. Your humble scribe, Lex.
P.S. And here I was thinking Gripes only attracted sexual perverts looking for articles on nipples and such...
I'm here for all the titilating details you keep us abreast of.
Congrats on making the list.
good points and the details are more precise than somewhere else, thanks.
- Norman
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