Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bernie Ecclestone

Bernie Ecclestone, aka Formula 1 Supremo.

What does a man who is wealthy, successful and sized like a dwarf want most in life?
A trophy wife of course.

Pictured here is Mr E with his ultimate prize for success, something only money can buy, true happiness in the form of a woman.

I wonder if in an equal world, where money didn't have so much power to influence people, whether true love would triumph and bring together Mr E and his beautiful young wife, Slavica or whether indeed money had something to do with it?

I bet that Mr E was carried over the threshold in the adoring arms of his Slavica.

People might say that I'm just being nasty out of jealousy, and they would be wrong, wrong wrong.

Let's not forget the adorable little Mick Jagger and his preference for the extra tall model/wife/mistress.
Again, who would be so crass as to suggest money had anything to do with interfering with true love, certainly not I.

This reminds me of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman another charming couple who were so well matched for photo opportunities.

Here's Salman Rushdie and his trophy bride. Isn't love wonderful? I certainly applaud his good taste.

Being of height challenged as well as wealth challenged myself, I often contemplate how different it would be if I was over endowed with money. Would I too give in to the temptation to reach for the glittering prize - the trophy wife?
So contemplate this, whilst the male of the species is in control of the planet, what controls the male of the species?


Anonymous said...

As the bitter divorced, I would not even consider paying a woman to humiliate, deceive, betray or otherwise destroy my life; I don't care how hot the world thought she was. Not unless I could take her beauty away from her when I was done pounding her. And we all know if she thought she wouldn't have her beauty after she soaked you for every penny you have to offer, she'd find another sucker, like one of these idiots you show here. Do they actually think they could have these bitches without the fame and fortune? And if not, then why bother?

none said...

Money is an effective albeit temporary aphrodesiac.

Ripple said...

I always thought just being really cool was the answer.

This is why it is hard to imagine a hot chick as anything but a sex object. Because, in reality, most really beautiful women are.

Lexcen said...

hammer, I doubt if the bimbos continue to put out once they get married.
Paul, I can't blame the women for trying to get the best deal out of what good looks they have. I think the men who are wealthy enough to buy the affections of these women are fools and as the saying goes, a fool and his money are soon separated.

Michael said...

I dunno what it is with short rich guys getting beautiful wives.

I do know that I'm tall and poor, and have a beautiful wife.

So maybe the ladies are looking for either height or wealth?

Anonymous said...

I don't think those men could buy my love. I haven't even a preference on height of men. I believe in true love...sigh

Stucco said...

I seem to remember thinking what a rip it was that more girlies weren't sent swooning by the advances of a seriously perverted and sex obsessed person of my physical dimensions.

Timmy said...

Isn't the top photo of Truman Capote? I thought the dude was gay...
