Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sir Salman Rushdie and the Satanic Verses

Professional fugitive and part-time author and celebrity, Salman Rushdie took time off to receive an honor from QE11.
He has been hunted for 20 years since he published his novel, The Satanic Verses.

Lets get one thing clear, this novel is based on facts.

Here is a brief explanation of where it all originates.

One of the most embarrassing events in Muhammad's life occurred when Satan put his words in Muhammad's mouth. Muhammad spoke Satan's words as the word of God. This event is documented by several early Muslim scholars and referenced in the Hadith and Quran. Later Muslims, ashamed that their self declared prophet spoke Satan's words, denied the event occurred. A myriad of excuses and denials have been put forth by these later Muhammadans to cover up Muhammad's sinful error.

It must be pointed out again that the "Satanic Verses" event is not something made up by non-Muslims. The event is recorded by the earliest Islamic sources available on Muhammad's life. No one should think that it is a story made up by people who are critical of Islam. It is an episode directly found in the early Islamic records.

This topic is one of the most controversial in Islam. Satan caused Muhammad to recite his words as God's words. The background to this event is that Muhammad and his followers were being persecuted for attacking the pagan faiths of Mecca, and he did not want to further offend his Arab tribesmen, and, he wanted them to become his followers, i.e. Muslims. In fact Muhammad wished that God would not reveal anything further to him that would further alienate his fellow Arabs. So when opportunity arose, he spoke what Satan put into his heart and mind as God's word.

( It makes me wonder how ignorant and stupid Muslims must be to take offense at facts that they just don't want to acknowledge about their prophet)


ButterSnatch said...

Muslims aren't happy unless they're UNhappy.

Everyone has a friend (and it's usually a female) that THRIVES on drama. Well, Muslims are an entire religious movement that thrives on controversy, drama and discontent.

If you can point to a time in Muslim history that they've actually be content, I'll eat my own ass.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

It is the same in all religious, Lexcen. The Christianity and Jewish belief too. They twist and turn the words and events, so at the end ... it's nothing left of the original text and story.
But now ... We are in a time when all religions, also Islam, will fell apart and disolve by itself.
It will rise a new kind of belief in the world.

Lexcen said...

buttersnatch, my gripe with Islam is it's preoccupation with the need kill others. Whether they're happy or not doesn't worry me.

Kirsten, you think a new belief will emerge that won't focus on sex, hate and death??
